When carefully planned, brand taglines can help businesses become more successful. A very powerful tool which reinforces your name, slogans work to connect people to your message. In fact, many businesses are recognised by their motto alone since they have the ability to get stuck in the mind and stay there. Just for fun, let’s take a look at some classics before we write yours – can you guess from the headers which tagline is whose?
‘’Never knowingly undersold’’
‘Never Knowingly Undersold’ is a line from John Lewis which dates back to 1925. A term which has long highlighted the brand’s price promise, this employee-owned business is now said to be dropping the tagline after 95 years.
‘’Does exactly what it says on the tin’’
This no-nonsense, straight-talking line is the brainchild of wood stain gurus, Ronseal. First used on TV in the early ’90s, the team behind the slogan wanted to demystify the process of buying the product.
‘’It’s got our name on it’’
As we’ve learnt from tough times, it is said to be true, people spend money on their existing homes rather than moving. Spoken in a down-to-earth tone, this slogan from Wickes reminds us that each own-brand product will uphold the brand’s good name.
‘’Loves the jobs you hate’’
In 1986 the first advert for Mr Muscle® aired on TV. Although the brand soon switched to ‘Clean Less Live More’, the original character was used to show consumers they didn’t need muscle to use this hardy product.
‘’Chuck out your chintz’’
This 1996 ad campaign encouraged housewives to do away with fussy furnishings. IKEA’s ‘Chuck Out Your Chintz’ ad changed British tastes and helped transform attitudes towards modern design.
‘’You can do it if you _ and _ it’’
The B&Q slogan ran from the mid-’80s but was scrapped in ‘07 as part of an effort to reposition the chain. The brand believes everyone has the power to change their life by improving their home and their new campaign features transformations from 69 real families.
‘’The appliance of science’’
‘The Appliance of Science’ is a brand slogan, clearly part of the Zanussi DNA. Created in 1983 to campaign for Zanussi white goods, this tagline familiarised the brand in a competitive market and still does to this day.
‘’Say it with flowers’’
The term ‘Say It With Flowers’ is generally attributed to Boston adman, Major Patrick O’Keefe. It was then adopted by the Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association, before being picked up by Interflora in the mid-1920s.
5 tips for the perfect tagline
Short and sweet, your brand tagline should be around 3 to 5 words. Here are some other top tips for getting it right to make your slogan resonate:
1. Tell your story
In an era where prospects want to connect with a brand, telling your story is an effective way to trigger emotion. What’s your story, and how do you feel? Your tagline should communicate precisely this.
2. Describe who you are
The best taglines are remarkably simple, and yours should capture what makes you, YOU! Additionally, don’t worry about trying to look cool and edgy, instead focus on how your brand makes peoples lives better.
3. Be clear, not clever
Clear branding is key, no matter your size to convey a coherent and positive message. Some people try to be cute, but all they do is confuse, not exactly ideal when it comes to the crunch.
4. Be specific
As well as being clear, it’s also essential that your brand’s tagline is precise. The broader the term, the easier it’s lost so be specific, and you will stick like glue.
5. Create theatre – say just enough
One common mistake that is easy to make includes trying to cover everything you do. It’s not about your life’s work; it’s a taster, a snippet, so hold back enough to create theatre.
Thank you for reading my post, I hope you’ve enjoyed, especially going over some oldies. My favourites got to be ‘Chuck Out Your Chintz’, I even remember the ad as I tried to persuade my mum to take me furniture shopping. Thanks again.

8 Classic Brand Taglines Plus Tips for Writing Yours